Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Brew Your Own Beer At Home - From The Brew Guru

If you want to brew your own beer at home, it's probably more simple than you think.

Often times your own home brew will taste better than any other beer you can purchase from your local store. Cheaper too! Here's how I started making my own beer at home.

I had a friend of mine bring over some home brewed beer that he had made in his own kitchen. It wasn't bad, but it was good either. Honestly, it was horrible. I asked him how he made his beer and he said he read some book that he bought at a local book store and tried one of the recipes. I spit it out almost as soon as it hit my lips. It tasted like dirty gym sock soaked in burnt plastic. I made it my mission that day to learn how to make home brewed beer and do it the right way.

So I started searching online and offline for instructions on how to make home brewed beer. I actually began by making distilled alcohol just to see if I could do. But that's another story that I will focus on in a later post. I purchased a few online e-books and tried to brew my own beer using the instructions in the books. John Palmer's book, How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time, was the first place I started because it came highly recommended by a few brewing websites I searched through. The way John explains things about brewing beer and the ingredients he uses really sparked my interest even further. I brewed my first home brew using his instructions and IT TASTED GREAT!
Brewing home made beer is a great hobby. Even if you don't get it right the 1st, 2nd or even the 3rd time. If you are just looking to get started brewing quickly then I suggest purchasing a brewing kit. Here is one I bought online recently and so far it's my favorite brewing kit. This has everything you need to get started and the beer tastes excellent. Brewing Kit Here.

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